Hard Work = Happy Couple

With Mr. & Mrs. Hall

When you are a wedding coordinator, many people assume that it is a simple job where you get to be creative and attend weddings all day. While I do attend weddings and I am allowed to be very creative, it is hard work. With the amount of running, managing, and decorating involved, I look up and the wedding has flown by. I even make shoe changes throughout the event as the walking begins to wear on the stilletos. 🙂 

Lighting Aisle Candles


And again with tulips….

I find my work very rewarding and it is all worth it when I see my clients enjoy their wedding and start the first day of the rest of their lives together on a spectacular foot! Many people have jobs where they do not get to see the end result of the work they do. Fortunately for me, I get to see it from beginning to end and all that is in between!

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